Collaborative Instruction

During Collaborative Instruction courses, faculty and alumni work together to apply theory taught in the classroom to potential careers following graduation. Students have the opportunity to learn more about practical application of their degree from the first-hand experience of alumni. Collaborative Instruction courses are offered through various departments including Economics, Sociology, Communication Studies and the Life Sciences.
All students are eligible to take courses that include the Collaborative Instruction component unless there is a course requisite that a student has not fulfilled.
Communication Studies 19: UCLA Centennial Initiative: Loud Bark, Curious Eyes–Century of UCLA Student Media
- Examination of history of student media at UCLA over past century. Examining primary source data and featuring alumni guest speakers, students trace evolution of campus publications, their staffs, and their content since founding of southern campus of University of California.
Communication Studies M147: Sociology of Mass Communication
- Studies in relationship between mass communication and social organization. Topics include history and organization of major media institutions, social forces that shape production of mass media news and entertainment, selected studies in media content, and effects of media on society.
Communication Studies 148: Integrated Marketing Communications
- Examination of key concepts and methods in marketing communications in both traditional and digital media. Development and execution of communications strategies, with primary emphasis on consumer insight, branding, market segmentation and positioning, message strategy, promotion, and execution of marketing communications through appropriate media technologies.
Communication Studies 151: Computer-Mediated Communication
- Examination of how computer technology, particularly Internet, has influenced patterns of human communication. History and distinctiveness of computer-mediated communication (CMC). CMC’s influence on modern economic, political, and social interaction.
Communication Studies 160: Political Communication
- Study of nature and function of communication in political sphere; analysis of contemporary and historical communications within established political institutions; state papers; deliberative discourses; electoral campaigns.
Communications Studies 164: Entertainment Law
- Various issues in entertainment industry, with primary focus on business, legal, and free speech-related concepts.
Communications Studies 184: Abortion, Death Penalty, and Gun Control: Arguing Contemporary Social Issues
- Focus on variety of hot-button contemporary social issues to provide students with knowledge of arguments on both sides of issues covered, with emphasis on sound reasoning to support various arguments
Economics 103: Econometrics
- Introduction to theory and practice of econometrics, with the goal to make students effective consumers and producers of empirical research in economics. Emphasis on intuitive understanding rather than on rigorous arguments; concepts illustrated with applications in economics.
Economics 106D: Designed Markets
- Discussion of markets and other institutions that were purposefully designed, mostly by economists. Choices designers face when designing such markets. Markets and their context and corresponding economic models. Topics include matching between medical residents and hospitals, matching between high school students and New York and Boston high schools, kidney transplants, course allocation in business schools, eBay auctions, and prediction markets. Examination of how to optimize one’s actions and outcomes in such markets.
Economics 106E: Economics of Entrepreneurship
- Application of economic theory to practice of managing new businesses — combining elements of strategy, marketing, and entrepreneurial finance courses. Examination of both strategic decisions of entrepreneurs (pricing, advertising, deterring entry) and more practical issues (funding, business plans, patents).
Economics 106F: Corporate Finance
- Introduction to principles of asset valuation and role of financial markets in market economy. Basic topics include time value of money, discounted cash flow analysis, CAPM model, and applications to public policy.
Economics 106G: Introduction to Game Theory
- Introduction to basic ideas of game theory and strategic thinking. Discussion of ideas such as dominance, backward induction, Nash equilibrium, commitment, credibility, asymmetric information, and signaling, with application to examples from economics, politics, business, and other real-life situations.
Economics 106M: Financial Markets and Institutions
- Application of analytical tools of economics and finance to real-world problems in financial markets to link models students have learned in prior courses to patterns observed in financial markets and to understand when it is that further theoretical refinements are required to better account for certain observed patterns. Development of understanding of potential effects of monetary and regulatory policies on financial markets. Topics include bond market, stock market, foreign exchange market, financial crises, and financial regulation. Analysis and discussion of lessons of subprime crisis and European sovereign debt crisis.
Economics 106TL: Economics of Technology and E-Commerce Laboratory
- Case-based analysis requiring students to apply theory from course 106T to real-world problems regarding issues such as bidding in online auctions, two-sided markets, matching markets, reputation mechanisms, and more. Hands-on data collection and problem solving and presentation of student analyses both orally and in writing.
Economics 106V: Investments
- Introduction to principles investment and portfolio theory. Topics include optimal portfolio construction, fixed income analysis, option pricing theory, and active portfolio management.
Economics 164: Advanced Topics in Macroeconomics: Theory of Economic Growth
- Use of neoclassical growth model to address various issues, with emphasis on quantitative analysis. Development of economic theory and application to study of long-run growth, industrial revolution, and Great Depression.
Life Sciences 110: Career Exploration in Life Sciences
- Introduction to the many components that go into making effective career decisions to help students explore diversity of career options for life sciences majors.
Sociology 131: Careers in Sociology
- Examination of possible career paths for Sociology majors, including such fields as business, non-profitt sector, government, healthcare, entertainment, and other areas. Development of career-relevant materials and skills.
Sociology 122: Sociology of Violence
- Exploration of macro-, meso-, and micro-level theories of violence, why states organize violence, why civilizations participate in violence, and physical, structural, and symbolic violence. Discussion of how various social categories such as race, ethnicity, religion, class, gender, and sex are implicated in violence and examination of cases of interstate war, genocide, civil war, terrorism, and programs from around world.
Sociology M147: Sociology of Mass Communication
- Studies in relationship between mass communication and social organization. Topics include history and organization of major media institutions, social forces that shape production of mass media news and entertainment, selected studies in media content, and effects of media on society.
Sociology M176: Sociology of Mass Communication
- Studies in relationship between mass communication and social organization. Topics include history and organization of major media institutions, social forces that shape production of mass media news and entertainment, selected studies in media content, and effects of media on society.
Sociology 182: Political Sociology
- Contributions of sociology to study of politics, including analysis of political aspects of social systems, social context of action, and social bases of power.
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