

Dinners for 12 Strangers

February - March

Serving up good food and conversation since 1968, this award-winning Bruin tradition is based on a simple idea: local alumni host dinners in their homes for students, faculty and fellow alumni to make UCLA a smaller, friendlier place.

Brought to you by: Student Alumni Association

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Locks of Love


An opportunity for the UCLA community to donate hair to a nonprofit organization that makes wigs for children who have lost hair due to medical illness.

Brought to you by: Alumni Scholars Club


Interview With A Bruin

Fall and Spring

Alumni conduct mock interviews and give students valuable feedback and tips.

Brought to you by: Student Alumni Association


I ♥ UCLA Week


A week of Bruin pride and spirit that celebrates everything we love about UCLA.

Brought to you by: Student Alumni Association


Spring Sing


UCLA's oldest and greatest musical tradition, Spring Sing showcases the most talented students performing song, dance and sketch comedy.

Brought to you by: Student Alumni Association


Entertainment Networking Night


A high-profile event that gives students the opportunity to learn about careers in the entertainment field by interacting with UCLA alumni in the industry.

Brought to you by: Student Alumni Association


Beat ’SC Rally


Held the week leading up to the UCLA-USC football game, this celebration embodies not only the rivalry, but also the tremendous spirit of UCLA students, the loyalty of fans and the love of generations of UCLA alumni.

Brought to you by: Student Alumni Association


Digital Media and Marketing Networking Night

April 18

Learn about careers in the marketing and digital media space by interacting and connecting with alumni in the industry in informal roundtable discussions.

Brought to you by: Student Alumni Association


Graduating Senior Trip

June - July

Calling all seniors! Celebrate graduation with a trip to Europe. Travel with Bruins through 9 countries with an optional extension to Southern Italy and the Greek Isles. Don’t miss out on an adventure of a lifetime with your best friends.


STEM Networking Night


Learn about careers in the ever-developing world of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

Brought to you by: Student Alumni Association


My Last Lecture Award


More than 50 years ago, notable UCLA professors were given the chance to put all of their life lessons and advice for students into one “last lecture.”

In 2010, the Alumni Scholars Club (ASC) brought back this tradition through the My Last Lecture Award. This award was established to honor a UCLA professor who is an inspiration to students.

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