Alumni Networks

Standing Together Runs In The Family

Regional Networks

Find, connect and network with Bruins in your area. And together, we can make every region our grounds for building stronger bonds and achieving great things with one another.

Regional Networks Find Bruins around the world

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More ways to connect

Regional Networks

UCLA reaches all across the globe. Connect with Bruins near you!

Diversity Networks

The UCLA landscape is as diverse as the world itself. Explore, connect and contribute to alumni groups made up of Bruins with wide-ranging experiences.

Affinity Networks

As part of our membership program you have unique access to our renowned network. Wherever you are in life, or the world, Bruins have your back.

Professional Networks

You’re connected to over 450,000 innovators and leaders across the globe every time you connect with us. With career opportunities at every turn, even corners can be your next professional angle.

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