Library Privileges

All members of the Association have access to the UCLA Libraries. Library access extends to all UC campuses for Gold, Life and Blue Membership holders.

Access to UCLA Libraries

Members have access to the Arts, Biomedical, College, Management, Music, Research and Science and Engineering (all locations) libraries. For details, please visit the UCLA Library website. If you have additional questions, refer to this page for additional contact information.

- To check out books at the library, present your Association Member ID card at the circulation desk and you’ll be given a free library card. You can print your Member ID card from the Association's website.
- Library cards allow patrons to access print collections. They do not provide access to UCLA Library's online materials.
- Members are allowed to borrow up to five books and can renew each book once. Members are not allowed to place books on hold.
- The UCLA Library Catalog and the ProQuest Research Library can be accessed remotely from any computer and without a UCLA library card.

Access to UC Libraries

To obtain a library card at other UC campuses, present your Association Member ID card at the UC library. Your UCLA library card is not valid at other UC campuses. Note: Library privileges at all UC campuses are accorded to Gold, Life and Blue Membership holders. For detailed information regarding alumni privileges at UC campuses, click here. Find a UC library near you by clicking here.

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