Steve Strauss '81

Posted On - August 5, 2022

Steve Strauss '81The latest book by Steve Strauss '81, "Your Small Business Boom: Explosive Ideas to Grow Your Business, Make More Money, and Thrive in a Volatile World," was published last October. Strauss has been USA Today’s small business columnist for over 20 years and has now written 18 books, mostly about small business and entrepreneurship.

The book is described as "an indispensable guide for creating your own 'small business boom.' Packed with the powerful strategies and chock-full of explosive ideas, [the book] is your blueprint for how to thrive today.

"Inside you will learn of a variety of affordable, savvy strategies that you can use in your own businesses; everything from finding and getting bigger clients to the secret of 'doing the opposite,' and from getting a million hits on your website to getting 100,000 social media followers."

Strauss is also a columnist for Inc. and Fast Company, the editor-in-chief of Small Business Connection, and creates content for Bank of America, Allstate, SCORE, Staples, PayPal and many other clients.

Strauss speaks the the world over and has been a select speaker for the U.S. State Department, speaking in places like India, Japan, Mongolia and the West Bank. His talks, described as "high-energy, fun, intelligent keynotes, breakouts and webinars," cover everything from small business success strategies to marketing, innovation and global trends in business.

After earning his bachelor's degree in political science, Strauss became a Coro Fellow in public affairs, got his master's degree in public policy from Claremont Graduate University, and his law degree from McGeorge School of Law, University of the Pacific.

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