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Bruin Professionals Lawyers Affinity Group and Orange County Chapter Meeting

Bruin Professionals logo which includes Royce Hall in yellow and BP in white on top of Royce Hall

Date and Time

Thursday, Feb. 15, 2024, 11:30 a.m. PST


Murtaugh Treglia Stern & Deily LLP
2603 Main St Penthouse
Irvine, CA 92614 United States


$15 (includes lunch)

Join BP Lawyers Affinity Group (LAG) and BP Orange County (OC) for our first crossover event! We are excited to announce our February meeting. BP Lawyers Affinity Group and BP Orange County will combine for a joint networking event so we can continue building and strengthening our Bruin Professionals network. It will be a great opportunity for you to share about your business – and be prepared to go more in-depth – What’s a hot topic in your industry that we should know about? What circumstances lead prospects to engage with someone like you for the first time? We look forward to engaging with our tenured members, new members, visitors to BP, and visitors from other chapters alike.

Check out our full list of everything happening at UCLA by visiting the UCLA Community Calendar

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