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New York Tri-State Network: UCLA Football Game Watch Party | at Stanford

Date and Time

Saturday, Oct. 21, 2023, 7:30 p.m. PST


70 University Pl A
New York, NY 10003 United States



We're back at Reservoir Bar for the 2023 football season!

Come join your fellow Bruins for all game watches (unless announced otherwise). Any last minute updates are announced on our Instagram and Facebook stories so be sure to follow us at:

Instagram: @nyc_bruins
Facebook Page: UCLA Alumni - New York Tri-State Network

No RSVP is required. However, if you'd like to reserve a table at Reservoir, do so directly on their website: https://reservoirny.com/

See you there! Go Bruins!!

Check out our full list of everything happening at UCLA by visiting the UCLA Community Calendar

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