
UCLA Alumni Mentor Program Distinguished Mentor Award Recipients 

Selected from an exceptional group of nominees, based on testimonials from their mentorship partners, these undergraduate and graduate alumni mentors went above and beyond during the program year, exemplifying the True Bruin spirit of achievement, service and gratitude. 

E. Carlos Dominguez '05, J.D.

E. Carlos Dominguez '05, J.D.

Student mentee Bianca Bravo, fourth-year political science major, shared, “I am honored to nominate Judge E. Carlos Dominguez for the Mentor of the Year award. Judge Dominguez has been an exceptional mentor, consistently going above and beyond to support aspiring legal professionals. He went beyond mentoring me through answering my questions about the legal field on the phone by inviting me in person to his courthouse at the Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Center. There, he graciously provided invaluable advice on all my pre-law questions. Additionally, Judge Dominguez took the time to give my classmates and me from my pre-law club on a tour of the courthouse, explaining the intricacies of the judicial process and sharing his personal experiences. He also allowed us to observe a trial, which provided a rare and insightful glimpse into real-world legal proceedings. “Judge Dominguez's commitment to mentoring is evident in his willingness to invest his time and energy into our education. His passion for the law and dedication to nurturing the next generation of legal professionals have been truly inspiring. He has not only answered our questions but has also challenged us to think critically and deeply about the legal field. His mentorship has significantly impacted my understanding and appreciation of the law, and I know my classmates share this sentiment. Judge Dominguez exemplifies the spirit of mentorship through his unwavering support, comprehensive guidance and genuine care for our professional growth. I am deeply grateful for his mentorship and believe he is profoundly deserving of this prestigious award.”

Maddie Markay '23

Maddie Markay '23

Student mentee Chloee Carlson, third-year communication major, shared, “As a first-year transfer student at UCLA, the new academic and social environment took some getting used to. My alumni mentor, Maddie Markay, played a pivotal role in helping me transition smoothly and guide me on a path towards success during this time. Maddie also transferred to UCLA and we share the same major, so she has been an incredible resource. She also convinced me to pursue a minor in digital humanities because she had such a positive experience! Her guidance didn't stop there. Maddie's introduced me to various campus resources, clubs and internships that have been extremely beneficial to my overall academic experience. Her mentorship has helped me navigate the transition into college, and I could not be more grateful for her knowledge, advice and shared life experiences.”

Student mentee Vanessa Tran, third-year communication major, shared, “Maddie has been amazing and has gone above and beyond to make sure I am well and adjusting to my time here at UCLA. She is so sweet and always provides me insight into the field and helps me with anything I need. Even though I have been quite busy this past year, she has been able to work around my schedule and adjust to my needs. One time, I asked about her experience with internships because I had no clue where to start. She gave me a very descriptive, detailed run-through of where I could find opportunities and helped me with the overall process, including my résumé and other advice. Maddie's mentorship has not just been professional, as she has been a great source of personal support. As a transfer, it could be hard for me to acclimate to the environment, but she has always been there to listen and offer support. Her guidance and help have been an incredible resource for me and I am lucky to have her as a mentor and would not change it at all.”

Christopher Gist, Cert. '08, Ph.D.

Christopher Gist, Cert. '08, Ph.D.

Student mentee Vineeta Tyagi, Theater, Film, and Television professional program in writing, shared, “Chris is a producer responsible for one of my favorite shows 'Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries.' I'm a TV writing grad student who wants to be a writer/producer, which is why I reached out to him on UCLA ONE.

“Chris really went above and beyond in explaining film and television production to me. He even volunteered to offer me very precise and practical notes on my scripts and motivated me to actually take on a student project to produce, since doing it is the only way to learn, which I did. It was unbelievable how much I learned in the little time it took me to produce a short film. “Upon taking on the project, I kept reaching out to him for help and he always took out the time to help me plan things efficiently and avoid making common first-time producer mistakes. I thought I did an okay job but he really commended me on my ability to produce a ‘high quality’ (his words) 20-minute web series pilot for $5,000. It really gave me the confidence to find an investor for my own web series project. I'm truly grateful to Chris for giving me the knowledge and confidence to do so.”

Crystal Yancey '96

Crystal Yancey '96

Doctoral student mentee Kelli Fletcher, environmental science-engineering major, shared, “My mentor has gone above and beyond by listening to my imposter-syndrome worries and providing valuable insight on how to navigate life post-graduation. I can't thank her enough for her kind words of encouragement and nurturing charisma. I never felt like a mentee; she always made me feel like a peer. The career advice is invaluable and for that I am forever grateful for this experience with such a wonderful human.”

Rohan Gupta '20

Rohan Gupta '20

Student mentee Stella Walker, third-year psychobiology major, shared, “Rohan has gone above and beyond for me as a mentor. I have now been working with him for almost two full academic years, and he has played a large role in the planning and pacing of my pre-med classes, MCAT planning and medical school application timeline. Rohan is always available to answer any small questions I have over text, and he is also always willing to plan a time to talk on the phone when I have deeper questions, a longer list of concerns, or I am just experiencing self-doubt. He has helped me construct my class plan and decide which major and minor would be right for me and my path. He has had multiple phone calls with me about how I should study for the MCAT, what resources I should use, how much time I should put in, etc. Rohan has also introduced me to many of the clubs I have applied to/participate in through UCLA, and he has broadly opened my eyes to different opportunities offered through UCLA. Additionally, Rohan was a large help in my success in finding a research position, providing me with tips for my résumé, tips for the content of cold emails and links to guide me towards listed opportunities.

“Rohan has also gone above and beyond to talk with me about my future when I have the inevitable moments of self-doubt and feeling overwhelmed. We have discussed the differences between the medical school, PA school and dental school paths. We have also discussed different specialities I could enter once I graduate medical school, as I engage in more pre-med opportunities and learn about more fields that excite me. Rohan has never hesitated to call/text back ASAP responding to my inquiries and concerns, ranging from specific academic/pre-med questions, to more personal and negative emotions that I face as a pre-med student. I can confidently say that I would not be where I am today if I did not have Rohan's guidance and insight about UCLA and the medical path, nor would I have the self-confidence I have now relating to my ability of getting into medical school. Rohan has assured me that he will continue to be a helping hand in my journey for as long as I need him, and I am sure that I will maintain my mentor/mentee relationship with him for the rest of my time in undergrad, and hopefully even through my time in medical school and beyond.“

Kimberly Ortiz '19

Kimberly Ortiz '19

Student mentee Haley Rodriguez, second-year Chicana and Chicano studies major, shared, “My mentor has been there to support my ideas of wanting to do research and helped me navigate possible career routes by assisting me with linking in the setup through a personalized spreadsheet so I may organize my thoughts more clearly. This requires a good amount of preparation before our meetings and does not go unnoticed. Overall, Kimberly has allowed me to develop a stronger sense of self in my goals to better educational resources for Latinos in Southern California, and she has also inspired me to continue striving for more as I am cheering her on as she begins her master's degree journey.”

Maira Sanchez '12

Maira Sanchez '12

Graduate student mentee Erick Gasca, urban and regional planning major, shared, “Maira dedicated her time to meeting with me on weekends to help me work through my résumé and cover letter. She also guided me through the public sector and encouraged me to apply to multiple places. As a first-generation student, having mentors who look out for you and want the best for you is very helpful. I am fortunate to have applied to the mentorship program and be partnered with a mentor who cares and goes above and beyond. I am forever grateful. Thank you!”

William Lan '21

William Lan '21

Graduate student mentee Ray Jeeho Kim, shared, “I am nominating William Lan for the UCLA Alumni Mentor Program Award because he exemplifies the essence of a True Bruin. His unwavering support, genuine care, and exceptional guidance have profoundly impacted my academic and personal development. William has gone above and beyond in ways that have not only transformed my experience as a graduate student but have also redefined my understanding of leadership and mentorship.

“From the moment I met William, his dedication to his mentees was evident. He consistently demonstrated a willingness to invest his time and energy in helping me navigate the challenges of graduate school. One of the most remarkable aspects of William's mentorship is his ability to create a supportive and encouraging environment by putting others before himself, much like the concept of ‘Leaders Eat Last’ by Simon Sinek. William's leadership style is characterized by selflessness and a deep commitment to the well-being and growth of his mentees. I will be elaborating on his leadership style below.

“As part of my graduate studies, I am required to give a lot of public speeches. As someone who struggled with social anxiety, participating in these was daunting. William, who had extensive experience with public speaking at UCLA, noticed my difficulties and took it upon himself to help me overcome them. He would craft tailored public speaking templates and guides for me to use and meet with me multiple times online to practice. His smiles and warm demeanor always provided me with a strong sense of comfort and encouragement. His actions were not limited to online meetings; he would also meet with me in person to practice my speeches and even invite me to social gatherings to help me feel more included.

“I am so grateful to have met William and for this program as a whole. He gave it his all to see me improve, a strong gesture that made me feel valued and cared for. In many ways, he was like a family member. He never gave up on me when times were tough. This level of attention and support enabled me to give my biggest speech to over 300 professors, students and colleagues for my graduate studies without stuttering or twitching, a milestone that marked a significant improvement in my public-speaking abilities. William's mentorship didn't stop there; he encouraged me to take on a leadership role in public speaking, further boosting my confidence and skills.

“In addition to his role supporting my public speaking skills, William's influence extended to other areas of my life. Inspired by his leadership, I founded an organization that aimed to teach the importance of being vulnerable and providing a safe space for people to share their stories. William's example taught me the value of owning my story and connecting with others on a deeper level. His mentorship has instilled in me the importance of empathy, patience and the willingness to support others. “Overall, William’s mentorship has been a transformative experience for me. His selfless dedication, genuine care and exceptional leadership have left a lasting mark on my life. He embodies all of the qualities of a True Bruin, exemplifying achievement, service and gratitude. Many of his contributions have made a lasting impact on not just me, but on the UCLA community as a whole. For these reasons, I wholeheartedly nominate William Lan for the 2023-24 UCLA Distinguished Alumni Mentor Award.”

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