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Dinners for 12 Strangers

Date and Time

Saturday, March 2, 2024, Noon PDT


Various locations regionally and virtually.

Every year, on one of three nights members of the Bruin Community come together.

Last year, we continued our hybrid format allowing participants to choose the best option, and we hosted more than 175 in-person and virtual gatherings around the world involving more than 1,500 Bruins.
This next year we will keep the program in our hybrid format and allow you to choose the best option. We believe in the power of community and the Bruin network to inspire and guide one another.

Alumni can sign up to be an in-person host to students and faculty or sign up to gather with other alumni, either in-person or virtually — the choice is yours! Hosting a gathering is the perfect opportunity to make new friends and connections and re-engage with the UCLA community.

Dinners for 2024 will be held on Sunday, Feb. 25 | Saturday, Mar. 2 | Sunday, Mar. 3
Sign up for the fun and memories. Sit down as strangers. Stand up as friends.

For more information visit d12.alumni.ucla.edu.

Check out our full list of everything happening at UCLA by visiting the UCLA Community Calendar

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