Changemakers Series

Inspired by Bruins...

Systematic racism is not a new phenomenon, and yet the incidents of senseless violence in 2020 catalyzed a global conversation on racial injustice. Many companies and organizations responded with statements of support and promises to change the way they operate. Since then, many workplaces have created, developed, or revamped their diversity, equity and inclusion efforts.

Bruins, being passionately optimistic, have been and continue to be leaders on issues of diversity, equity and inclusion by applying their world-class education to create knowledge, innovate best practices, and activate change in all areas of society. For Bruins, this is not just in response to a historical moment, it’s been our lifelong commitment.

Changemakers events are both an ode and a re-dedication to this spirit, ensuring the ripple effects of our efforts continue for generations to come. Each year, through our program themes, we acknowledge that engaging as social actors in change efforts is a marathon, not a sprint. Complex opportunities and challenges arise as we navigate our passion for social justice in light of different career paths, leadership roles, and life stages. Learning with and from one another is critical for ensuring that we continue this journey with clarity and support. UCLA Alumni Diversity Programs & Initiatives is proud to lead the planning efforts for our annual UCLA Alumni Changemakers program and uplift Bruins in our alumni community. If you would like to nominate a Bruin changemaker to be featured in a future program please contact us at

Changemakers 2024

The UCLA Alumni Changemakers 2024 event, “Advancing Social Change and Preserving Culture in an Evolving Urban Landscape,” took the Changemakers series into the community of Little Tokyo, Los Angeles, and uplifted the work of Bruin leaders at Little Tokyo Service Center. Founded in 1979 by Japanese American activists, this organization provides culturally relevant social welfare and community development services to people in need, contributes to community revitalization and cultural preservation in Little Tokyo and the Southland, and provides resources to neighboring Asian Pacific Islander and other low-income communities. Thank you for joining us to continue to celebrate the power of alumni voices in effecting positive social change. Our featured speakers discussed the founding and evolution of Little Tokyo Service Center and share insights into how the Center responded to discriminatory property laws and immigration policies, and the displacement of elders and low-income families caused by gentrification.

2024 Highlights

2024 Full Program

Changemakers 2023

The UCLA Alumni Changemakers Featured Speakers 2023 event, “Maintaining the Spark: Committing to Social Justice Through Various Career and Life Stages,” took the Changemakers series into the community of South L.A. and centralized the work of senior-level leaders at Community Coalition. This organization has worked for 30 years “to help transform the social and economic conditions in South LA that foster addiction, crime, violence and poverty by building a community institution that involves thousands in creating, influencing and changing public policy.” Through this event our featured Bruins explored the dynamic intersections between personal passion and career choice, underscoring that it is possible to ground our everyday work in our deepest passions.

2023 Highlights

2023 Full Program

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