2024 Schedule

This event took place at the Terasaki Budokan, 249 S. Los Angeles St on Saturday, March 16, at 9:30 a.m.

9:15 am: Registration and light refreshments 

10:00 am: Brief welcome by UCLA Alumni and Little Tokyo Service Center  

10:05 am: Walking tour of Little Tokyo – Facilitated by Bill Watanabe, M.S.W. ‘72 

11:10 am: Attendees return from the walking tour and enjoy refreshments 

11:20 am: Indoor Program Begins with an Overview of the UCLA Changemakers Series  

11:25 am: Overview of Little Tokyo Service Center and Terasaki Budokan  

11:30 am: Panel Discussion with Little Tokyo Service Center leadership 

Facilitated by Erich Nakano, M.A. ‘93 - Executive Director, Little Tokyo Service Center  

Panelists include:  

  • Bill Watanabe, M.S.W. ’72 – Founding Executive Director, Little Tokyo Service Center  
  • Caroline Calderon, M.A. ’19 - Project Manager, Little Tokyo Service Center 
  • Grant Sunoo, M.A. ’06 – Director of Community Building & Engagement, Little Tokyo Service Center 
  • Vivian Lee, M.S.W. ’06 – Co-Director of Counseling Programs, Little Tokyo Service Center 

12:10 pm: Q&A with Panelists 

12:25 pm: Closing – Event attendees are invited to network with one another

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