Starting a Network
Contact Alumni Affairs to find out who the network director/liaison is in your area. This person will assist you in proceeding with the proper steps in order to start and develop a network.
- Regional: regionalnetworks@support.ucla.edu
- Diversity: diversitynetworks@support.ucla.edu
- Affinity: affinitynetworks@support.ucla.edu
Officer Descriptions
President: The president will have general and active management of the business of the organization and will see that all orders and resolutions of the board of directors are carried into effect. The president should preside over meetings of the membership and the board of directors. They should annually submit required paperwork to UCLA Support Group Services in order to maintain status as a UCLA support group.
Vice President: The vice president will, in the absence of the president, perform the duties and exercise the powers of the president. The vice president/president-elect will also be responsible for the financial oversight of the organization under the board’s direction and should perform such other duties and such other powers as the board of directors prescribe.
Secretary: The secretary will be responsible for the minutes of all meetings, correspondence, and should carry out any other duties as prescribed by the president of the board of directors. The secretary is responsible for publicly posting notice of the meeting dates and inviting other alumni (non-board members) to attend. They should also ensure all meeting minutes are sent to the network director/liaison, as well as posted publicly after the meeting.
Treasurer: The treasurer will be responsible for the financial administration of the organization under board direction. They will make financial commitments on behalf of the board and request payments on behalf of the organization. The treasurer must present periodic financial reports to the board and compile an annual financial report to the president and vice president.
Immediate Past-President (when applicable): The immediate past-president serves as an ex-officio, non-voting member of the board. This person serves more of an advisory capacity to ensure smooth transitions between boards. The Immediate past-president, once their term is over, cannot become a network officer until after 10 years has passed. This is to allow other volunteers to be involved. The past-president may continue to be involved but not in a board officer capacity.
Network board officers must be a UCLA alumnus or a parent of a current student.
Regional Network board officers must live in the region they are participating on the board. If they move during their office term, they must resign as a board officer and transfer their duties over to their successor.
A network may want to add additional executive members to its leadership team and board, depending on its needs. Below are some suggested additional roles (which are not required):
Communications Director: A communications director serves as the main contact for marketing and communicating with alumni on behalf of a network through email, social media and website channels.
Young Alumni Chair: A young alumni chair assists with developing special programming for recent graduates.
Scholarship Chair: If a network has an alumni scholarship, this person should serve as the primary point-of-contact for it. They will be responsible for scholarship activities on behalf of the network.
Bylaws are the guiding documents for a network that establish the identity of the network, its officers and dissolution guidelines. Bylaws give a network a formal structure and guidance for the long-term. Any bylaw modifications should be reviewed and discussed with the network director/liaison.
Sample Bylaws
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